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287 lines
The Spelling Quizzer
Written by Larry Loyd
Files Included 2
Installation Instructions 3
System Requirements 4
New 5
Open 5
Display 5
Save 6
Save As 6
Print 6
Exit 6
Add 6
Edit 6
Delete 6
Study 6
New Student 7
Scores 7
Make New Score List 7
Display Scores 7
Help 8
About 8
Page 1
Files Included:
File Name Purpose Size Date/Time
Speller.exe Main Executable file 169472 5-26-93/10:37p
bwcc.dll Dynamic Link Library 130224 6-10-92/3:10a
Speller.hlp Help File 18830 5-22-93/5:20p
Words.lst Sample Spelling word list 836 5-23-93/7:47p
Student.SCR Sample Student score List 120 5-23-93/7:46p
User.txt User Manual 9855 5-26-93/10:41p
Readme.txt Program History 2789 5-26-93/8:22p
NOTE: The file BWCC.DLL was supplied by Borland inc. Since
I used some of Borlands custom controlsin this program, it
is neccessary to include this file. It can be placed either
in the WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory, or the directory you are
running this program from.
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Installation Instructions:
1. Go to windows file manager and create a directory. A
good name for the directory might be Spell, or Quiz, but it
is completely your choice.
2. Copy all files on the distribution disk to the directory
you just created.
3. Exit Windows File Manager
4. From the windows program manger select new, you will be
asked if you want to create a new program item or a group.
Select group, and name it an appropriate name.
5. With that group you just created still open, select new
from the Windows program manager again. This time select
new program item. When the next box appears requesting
program information, select the browse push button. Then
select spell.exe from the directory you created in step 1.
6. This completes installation, I hope you enjoy the
spelling quizzer.
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System Requirements:
To run the spelling quizzer, you need at least a computer
with an 80286 processor installed and Windows 3.1 installed.
This program is not compatible with previous versions of
Windows. It has been tested on a machine with 2Mb of RAM.
It is currently unknown if it will work with less the 2Mb.
Also, You should have the Times New Roman font installed,
this font came with MS-Windows.
If you have any question concerning the spelling
quizzer after reading this document, please consult the on-
line help section .
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When the program starts up, it will ask you for your name.
Please enter your name, and it will set the window caption
to include your name. Your name is also used when recording
quiz scores. If no name is entered, then your quiz score
will be saved under the name ANONYMOUS.
After entering your name, you will see a menu bar with 6
choices: List, Word, Quiz, Student, Donations and Help.
This pull down menu has several choices: New, Open,
Display, Save, Save As, Print, and Exit.
The New Option displays a dialog box, requesting the student
to enter a spelling word, sample sentence and definition.
An important item to note is that when a sample sentence is
entered it will be scanned for the spelling word. If the
word is found, then it will be replaced with underline
characters. The Next word button reads in the current
spelling word, and allows the student to enter the next
word. The last word button allows the student to view the
last word entered. The finished button signals the student
is done with this list, and closes the box.
Allows the student to open an existing list that is stored
on disk. Immediately after opening the list, it will be
displayed in a box with a View/Edit button, practice word
button, and delete button. The View/Edit button opens a box
very similar to the new choice, with the exception it has a
change button added. The change button allows you to edit
words that have already been loaded into the list. The
change button on that box must be pushed for the changes to
take affect. The practice word button allows you to view a
word, definition, and sample sentence. When you are ready
to try and spell the word on your own, push the test word
button, and it will let you type the word in and check your
spelling. The delete button on the box in simply allows you
to delete the selected word from your list.
NOTE: Double clicking a word in this box will automatically
select that word for study, and run the study dialog box.
The display menu choice opens the same box as mentioned
above, and allows you to view/edit words, practice a
selected word, or delete a selected word.
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The Save option allows you to save your spelling list to a
disk file. You should be sure and save your list after
creating it, or changing it.
Save As:
This option allow you to enter the file name you want your
list saved as, the program defaults to a .LST extension.
Lets you send your list to a printer. This option has a
fairly nice format to the print, but it only allows 5 words
per page.
Select this choice to quit the spelling quizzer.
This menu has three choices, Add, Delete and Study.
This choice lets you add words to your list, it opens the
same box as the NEW menu choice, only it starts you at the
next available word.
This choice lets you edit words, sample sentences and
definitions in your list. It opens a box very similar to the
display option, but it only has 2 buttons on it: View/Edit
and Cancel. Double clicckin a word will automatically run
the appropriate Edit dialog box.
This choice lets you erase words from your list. It opens a
box very similar to the display option, but it only has 2
buttons on it: Delete and Cancel.
This menu choice opens up the same box as the study push
button, only it starts at the beginning of the list and lets
you progress through, studying the words as much as you
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The first thing this option does is bring up the quiz
configuration box. This box is divided into 2 groups, Order,
and include. In the order section, you can choose either
random order(all mixed up) or sequential order(in order).
In the include section you can include either sentences or
definitions, or both. During the quiz, if all you want to
see is the word definition, just check that box, and the
same for sentences. Or, check both to include both
sentences and definitions. As soon as you push the OK
button on this, the quiz will start. If you choose, a
definition will be displayed in the top portion of this box,
and a sample sentence will appear in the bottom portion of
the box. It is up to you to type in your spelling word in
the middle portion of the box. The check word button will
let you know if you spelled the word right, and then show
the next definition and/or sentence. The finished button
will end the quiz. After completing the quiz either by
pressing the finished button or going through all the words
in your list, your score will be displayed and you will be
asked if you want to save that score.
This menu has 2 choices: New Student or Scores
New Student:
This choice displays the box pictured in figure 1. Use it
if somebody else is going to use the spelling quizzer.
This choice actually has two choices, Make a new Score List,
or Display scores.
Make New Score List:
This choice just re-starts the list of spelling quizzer
Display Scores:
This choice lets you see all scores that are recorded.
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This menu also has 2 choices: Help and About.
This choice provides a variety of information on using the
spelling quizzer, most of which is covered in this document.
This option displays a small box with copyright information
about the program.
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